The purpose of this document is to establish the terms and conditions of use of this website, as well as the safeguarding of its content, which is the property of KANAY S.A.C. (whose trade name is “Séché Group Peru”).

This website aims to provide information to its customers or potential customers regarding the services it provides for the achievement of its corporate purpose.

The use of this website in this way implies the full acceptance of all the conditions contained in this document, so it is recommended that you read the conditions indicated here in detail.


The site is property of KANAY S.A.C., a closed corporation, with fiscal address at Calle 4, Mz. U, Urb. Cooperativa Las Vertientes de Lurín (Sublote 2A), district of Villa el Salvador, Lima (Peru).

The Institutional Relations and Marketing area of KANAY S.A.C. is in charge of the publication of the portal and the necessary modifications as appropriate.

The elaboration of the web has been carried out by the company STAFF MARKETING PUBLICIDAD Y DISEÑO S.A.C., with address in Conde de la Monclova N°282, district of San Isidro, Lima (Peru).


The website is hosted by:

35 rue du grand puits 79230 Vouille – France
R.C.S. NIORT 799 902 051


The elements and signs that make up the site are the property of KANAY S.A.C., or of third parties if applicable, and are protected by the applicable legislation on unfair competition and intellectual and industrial property.

Copies of documents contained on the website may be used for information purposes only and are for private use only. The site and each of the elements it contains, including but not limited to the brands, texts, graphic maps, illustrations, logos, corporate names, conclusions, photographs, among others, are the exclusive property of KANAY S.A.C., of its related or affiliated companies or of third parties, as the case may be.

No license or right is granted other than to consult the site, with respect to intellectual and industrial property rights. The elements and signs on the website may not be used without the express written permission of the owner, always indicating the source and owner of such rights, clearly and expressly.

Users may view the information contained on the website and make private downloads or reproductions on their computer systems, provided that these elements are not reproduced or transferred to third parties.

Anyone who does not respect the legal terms and conditions indicated will be reported to the competent authorities and the appropriate legal action will be taken against him.


KANAY S.A.C. makes every effort to avoid any type of error in the contents of the website. However, it is not responsible for any consequences that may arise from them.

KANAY S.A.C. shall not be held responsible for the contents, commercial activities, products, services, among others included that may be visualized through electronic links that may appear, directly or indirectly, through this website.

The presence of these links, unless otherwise stated, is for information purposes only and shall not, under any circumstances, constitute a suggestion or recommendation regarding them.

Likewise, it is hereby stated that these links do not represent any kind of relationship between KANAY S.A.C. and the owners of the websites that may be accessed through them. Likewise, KANAY S.A.C. reserves the right to remove any links that may appear on the website at any time.


The information on this website is current as of the date of its last update. KANAY S.A.C. may update, modify or delete this legal notice without prior notice to the user, so it is the responsibility of the user to review it periodically. Similarly, KANAY S.A.C. reserves the right to make any changes it deems appropriate to the content of the website, without prior notice and at any time.


No warranties of any kind (warranty of quality, fitness for a particular purpose, title and non-infringement) apply, regardless of the content of the site. In this respect, KANAY S.A.C. shall not be liable for any damages (direct, indirect, supplementary, special or punitive) resulting from the inappropriate and unauthorized use of the site, which is the property of KANAY S.A.C.

KANAY S.A.C. does not guarantee the infallibility, continuity, availability, security or the non-existence of deficiencies of its website. Similarly, it does not assume responsibility for the appearance of viruses or harmful elements, errors or omissions on the website or its content, and the user must assume any of the risks that may arise from the use of the website.


Once you have entered the site, a “session user” cookie may be automatically installed and stored temporarily on your hard drive for ease of navigation. The cookie will be destroyed once the section is closed. This is a small folder of information that the website stores on the computer to facilitate navigation and optimize the registration process.

It does not allow the user to be identified. If you wish, there is the possibility of not generating a record of these cookies by configuring your browser. It is likely that this operation will modify or even hinder your navigation of the website.

If this is the case, you can refuse to install these cookies by following the steps in your browser (see below for the process to follow), according to the process that is most convenient for you. You can change it whenever you want.

In addition, to analyze your preference subject to your approval, we may generate web bookmarks on our articles to help identify pages visited, monitor the number of visits and frequency of visits, analyze traffic patterns and gather statistics.

After your access, subject to your consent, third parties may install cookies on your hard drive to help identify the most viewed content.

The process for rejecting the installation of these cookies is as follows, according to the terms that suit you best:

For Mozilla Firefox:
1. Select the “TOOLS” menu, then “OPTIONS
2. Click on “PRIVACY”
3. Locate the “COOKIES” menu and select the options that suit you.

For Microsoft Internet Explorer:
1. Select the “TOOLS” menu, then “INTERNET OPTIONS
2. Click on “PRIVACY”
3. Select the desired level.

For Chrome:
1. Go to the Chrome/Preferences menu
3. Click on “CONTENT SETTINGS…” in the Privacy section
5. Click on “REMOVE ALL” and validate by clicking on “ACCEPT

For Safari:
1. Go to the Safari/Preferences menu and click on “Privacy”.
2. Under “LOCK COOKIES” choose “ALWAYS”
To find out about the options provided for other types of browsers, the CNIL details the steps to follow to limit their traces on the site, processes or to set cookies.

You can change your choice at any time.